
Make smarter car finance lending decisions and help protect consumers and your business against fraud. That’s Information for Good.®

Gain the confidence needed to move your automotive lending up a gear.

With an increased focus on brand presence and loyalty, and strong marketing and distribution strategies, our solutions enable car finance companies to provide consumers with a safer, fluid experience across digital and offline channels.

Some of the biggest names in the automotive industry count on our solutions to provide them with a friction-right experience. This involves robust affordability checks and insights to help make more informed lending decisions and multi-layered ID and verification tools to help detect and prevent fraudulent activity and help you build trust with consumers.

Our approach to deploying consumer information works to effectively identify and convert more new business while optimising existing customer revenues. Our proven solutions span every aspect of the consumer lifecycle, allowing you to build the strongest, most profitable relationships you can with your customers.

Why TransUnion

If you’re a consumer with questions or issues related to your personal credit report, drivers history report, disputes, fraud, identity theft, credit report freeze or credit monitoring services, please visit our Customer Enquiries page for assistance.

Contact Us

TransUnion would like to send you original insight, commentary and research on data, software and analytics, early notifications of exclusive events and information about our products and services. If you would like to receive that information, please let us know using the following options:

Business enquiries: If you have a non-sales related query please call us on (+44) 0113 388 4300

Please read our privacy notice , which explains who we are, how we collect and use your personal information and how you can exercise your privacy rights.

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