Consumer Vulnerability: Help Improve Customer Outcomes with New Data Concepts

Learn how new data concepts can improve your customer strategy

At TransUnion we're focused on evolving the data ecosystem and harnessing data insights to materially improve consumer lives in groundbreaking ways.

Recently, we've been on a journey to understand how financial and non-financial vulnerability indicators can humanise transactions between consumers and businesses, enabling more informed decisions and better customer outcomes. This work has been made possible through our exclusive partnership with the Vulnerability Registration Service (VRS), a not-for-profit organisation which gives consumers a single place to register their vulnerable status. 

In this ebook we share ideas on how ‘early warning’ indicators can help identify vulnerable consumers and help you better understand:

  • What vulnerability means, how many UK consumers it affects and how consumers believe they are impacted by it
  • How advanced data solutions such as trended affordability and services like VRS are helping to better identify consumer vulnerability
  • The different ways vulnerability indicators can improve performance in financial services, insurance and utilities  

Related content in this series:

With a history of creating positive disruption in the market via affordability and consumer empowerment solutions, we’re committed to changing the narrative on financial vulnerability. Further insights into the topic include:

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