Version: 1.10
Updated: 3 October 2024
This privacy notice provides information about how we use and share personal data relating to consumers for our clients’ marketing purposes. It also describes your data protection rights, including a right to object to some of the processing which TransUnion carries out. More information about your rights, and how to exercise them, is set out in section 9 below. We also have a separate page with more detail about each of our marketing products and how data is used in them.
At TransUnion we provide data and data services to clients such as retailers, banks, insurers and other companies. Our marketing-related services include providing names and addresses from the open register to our clients for postal direct marketing. This information may be used by our clients to send you advertising through the post.
You have the right to object to our use of your personal data. Please see section 9 to find out more.
This privacy notice covers the following topics:
We are Callcredit Marketing Limited and TransUnion International UK Limited, which are companies registered in England and Wales with registered offices at One Park Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS3 1EP.
We are part of TransUnion Information Group (TU UK), which has its headquarters at the above address. Some of the members of TU UK are listed in section 5 below. TU UK forms part of a larger group of companies but this privacy notice only covers the activities of TU UK.
Except where we state otherwise, we are a controller of the personal data covered by this privacy notice. This means that we are responsible for ensuring that the personal data is used fairly and lawfully.
We sometimes act jointly with one or more of the other TU UK companies when making decisions about your personal data. In particular, we make joint decisions when we and another TU UK company are sharing personal data with each other. Section 3 explains when this applies in more detail.
Our members of staff work across TU UK group companies so, where our group companies make decisions jointly, those members of staff will ensure that each company involved complies with data protection rules. Please contact our Consumer Services Team if you want to understand more about the allocation of data protection obligations between our group companies or if you want to exercise your data protection rights.
You can contact us about issues relating to personal data, including the contents of this notice, through our Consumer Enquiries page.
Please refer to our Consumer Contact Privacy Notice for information about how we will handle your personal data in connection with complaints and enquiries.
This section explains the purposes for which we use personal data about you. More detail about the types of personal data that we use for these purposes can be found in section 3 below. Please also refer to our Marketing services and your data page for more details about our marketing products and how they use data.
Standalone open register
The open register (sometimes referred to as the edited electoral roll) is a version of the electoral register containing names and addresses of individuals who have not opted out of having their information used for marketing and other purposes.
We provide names and addresses from the open register to our clients in order for them to send marketing messages by post.
An estate agent may wish to send postal marketing to local residents to inform them of their services. The estate agent can purchase names and addresses from TransUnion for the local area from the open register, and then send a mailing to those individuals.
More information about the open register (and how to opt out of it) is available on the UK Government website.
Our CAMEO UK datasets categorise and describe the likely characteristics of groups of households or postcodes and the people who live there. Grouping and categorising geographical areas and people in this way is sometimes called "segmentation".
CAMEO contains modelled data, which means it is inferred or estimated based on other information we hold such as the areas in which people live. For example, CAMEO data can be based on estimates of the average age, wealth and education level of the residents of an area, how rural or urban the area is, and what sort of properties are there.
CAMEO UK is built using publicly available data, such as UK census data supplied by the Office for National Statistics. We also use TransUnion's credit reference data (but not any financial data) to work out average ages and numbers of adults per household to help build the CAMEO product. Although CAMEO does not contain any financial data, we may use some financial data to test internally how accurate our descriptions of a particular postcode or household are.
Our CAMEO UK dataset is available at two levels:
In either case, where CAMEO data is associated with a specific individual's name and address and used to make decisions affecting that individual, it is that person's personal data.
You have the same rights to opt out of the CAMEO household data being used for marketing purposes as you do with other personal data.
We supply CAMEO to our clients for a range of different purposes, including marketing. For example, clients might use it to help understand the likely characteristics of their customers, or to decide which areas to focus their marketing activity on, depending on the types of product they sell.
We sometimes use personal data while improving, developing, monitoring, maintaining and testing our products and systems. This includes making sure that our security measures are working properly. Where possible, we will anonymise, pseudonymise or aggregate the data before doing this.
If you contact us we will normally need to use your personal data to help us deal with your enquiry. We may also sometimes need to use your personal data for legal and regulatory purposes.
If you object to us processing your personal data for direct marketing purposes we will add your name to our suppression list in order to remove you from future direct marketing activities.
If you make a complaint about us to our regulators, they will normally ask us to investigate your case. This will involve accessing your personal data in the course of that investigation.
Similarly, if you start court proceedings against us, we will normally need to review how we have used your personal data in order to defend ourselves against your claim.
Some clients provide us with their own data about individuals (which will typically have been collected under the client’s separate privacy notices), and ask us to enhance it with further information. When this happens, we can provide the client with information about the properties or areas in which the relevant individuals live.
Where we are not using any personal data we hold to provide this further information to clients, then we are acting as the client’s data processor; this means that the client remains responsible for ensuring that the personal data is used fairly and lawfully. You will need to refer to the privacy notices of the individual client for more detailed information about what data the client collects, what they use it for, and how to exercise your rights.
We obtain and use information from various different sources. These are summarised in the following table.
Type of information | Description | Source |
Contact details | We hold names, postal addresses and, in some cases, dates of birth. This information can be used for contacting people. We do not hold or share email addresses or telephone numbers for the purposes described in this privacy notice. Callcredit Marketing Limited and TransUnion International UK Limited act as joint controllers for their processing of this data. | We obtain postal addresses from the open version of the electoral register (the “open register”), which we get from local authorities across the UK and the Isle of Man. |
Client input data | Our clients often provide us with information about their existing or potential customers for us to analyse or add more information on to. We do not use this data for our own purposes. In some cases, the client acts as controller for the processing of this data, and Callcredit Marketing Limited or TransUnion International UK Limited acts as the client’s processor. In other cases (such as where TransUnion personal data is used to provide the service) Callcredit Marketing Limited and TransUnion International UK Limited act as joint controllers for their processing of the data. | This data is provided to us by our clients for specific jobs. |
Modelled CAMEO UK data at household level | CAMEO UK provides various attributes and characteristics for each address, describing the household. | This is modelled data built using a variety of sources including publicly available data such as census data from the Office for National Statistics, and TransUnion's credit reference agency data (excluding financial information). |
Type of information | Retention period |
Contact details | Contact data obtained from the open version of the electoral register is retained while you remain on the open register plus an additional two months. For details of how long TransUnion International UK Limited keeps electoral register data in its capacity as a credit reference agency, please refer to the Credit Reference Agency Information Notice. |
Client input data | We retain copies of client input data for up to 15 months. |
Modelled CAMEO UK data at household level | CAMEO is maintained and updated on an ongoing basis and is periodically rebuilt and refreshed based on available data. |
In some cases we may need to keep information indefinitely. For example, if you object to us using your data for marketing purposes (see section 9) we will need to keep some limited information about you such as your name, address and date of birth so that we can remove or suppress your record from any data that we may receive in the future.
This section explains the legal basis on which we process your personal data.
The UK’s data protection law allows the use of your personal data where necessary for legitimate purposes provided that this isn’t outweighed by the impact it has on you. The law calls this the “legitimate interests” condition for processing personal data.
The legitimate interests we are pursuing are:
Interest | Explanation |
Direct marketing | Our clients have an interest in promoting their products and services to consumers, including their existing customers. |
Monitoring and securing our systems and data | Some of the ways we use personal data are justified by the need to ensure that our systems are kept secure. For example, our security teams may need to monitor databases in order to check whether they have been accessed by third parties. |
Complying with legal and regulatory requirements | We have an interest in complying with legal and regulatory requirements to which we are subject, thereby avoiding sanctions and reputational damage. |
Promoting responsible, efficient and informed marketing activities for the benefit of consumers and businesses | Some of our activities, such as Over 18 Validation, help to ensure that clients' marketing strategies are responsible, informed and efficient. This helps them to avoid waste (driving costs down and increasing competition) and avoid sending inappropriate marketing communications. |
Commercial interests | Like other commercial organisations, we seek to earn revenue through the services that we provide to our customers and clients. |
We share personal data with our clients for the purposes described in section 2 above. Our clients will each have their own privacy notices which will provide more information about how they (specifically) use the data we supply.
Our clients typically operate in the following sectors:
In some cases our clients may appoint an intermediary to act on their behalf; these intermediaries will often receive the data too.
We also appoint data resale partners who will distribute open register data to their clients in a similar manner to the ways we do. Our current resale partner for the standalone open register is Sagacity Data Limited. Please see their privacy notice and preference centre for more detail about their activities.
We do not provide data for use in relation to road traffic accident or personal injury claims, medical or clinical negligence claims, PPI compensation claims, pornography or political campaigning.
We may share your personal data among the members of TU UK. If we do so, then use of the data by those companies will be governed by this privacy notice. A list of relevant TU UK companies is set out below, although the list may be updated from time to time.
Group company | Role | Main trading address and registered office |
TransUnion Information Group Limited (company no. 4968328) | Group holding company | One Park Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS3 1EP |
TransUnion International UK Limited (company no. 3961870) | Collects open register data from local authorities and supplies it to clients (directly or through Callcredit Marketing Limited) for onward supply to clients for direct marketing purposes. Makes available limited types of credit reference data for certain purposes described in section 2 above, such as age validation. | |
Callcredit Marketing Limited (company no. 2733070) | Trading company which provides clients with the services described in section 2 above. |
We may also share your personal data with other non-UK based companies within the wider TransUnion group. This includes:
We and our clients may provide your information to third parties who help us use it for the purposes described in section 2. For example, we might decide to use a third party data hosting company, or a data processing company to perform some of the data processing on our behalf.
These service providers will not be allowed to use your information for their own purposes or on behalf of other organisations, unless you agree otherwise.
We may share anonymised information with other third parties, but only where the information cannot realistically be identified as relating to you.
We are based in the United Kingdom and will access and use your information from here. However, we also have operations in the European Union, and personal data may be accessed from there too. In these cases, the use of the information in those locations is protected by European data protection standards.
We also send information elsewhere in the world. For example:
While the United Kingdom and countries within the European Union all ensure a high standard of data protection law, some parts of the world may not provide the same level of legal protection in relation to personal data. As a result, when we do send personal data overseas, we will make sure that suitable safeguards are in place to protect the information. For example, these safeguards might include:
If your information has been sent overseas like this, you can obtain further information about the safeguards used by contacting us using the details set out in section 1 above.
We do not use any personal data to make automated decisions that have significant effects on people.
We perform profiling when we create CAMEO data at household level. This is because it involves inferring or estimating information about the characteristics of the household, such as expected age, wealth or education level. Please see section 2 for more details.
We also perform profiling when acting as a client’s processor. For example, we may take a client’s marketing list and add information about your property or neighbourhood, which the client may use to help predict your likely preferences and lifestyle in order to aid their marketing decisions. This may result in you receiving more relevant marketing from our clients who already hold your contact details. If you do not want to receive this marketing, you should contact the sender of the marketing in order to object.
You have several different rights in relation to the personal data that we hold about you. These are briefly described below. To enquire about exercising these rights, please use our Consumer Enquiries page.
In addition:
Please note that these rights apply only where we are acting as a controller of your personal data. When we are processing your data on behalf of a particular client, you will normally need to contact the client in order to exercise your rights.
Please refer to our Consumer Contact Privacy Notice for information about how we will handle your personal data in connection with complaints and enquiries.
We try to ensure that we deliver the best levels of customer service but if you are not happy you should make contact so that we can investigate your concerns. Please contact us through our Consumer Enquiries page.
You can also contact our Data Protection Officer at
Please refer to our Consumer Contact Privacy Notice for information about how we will handle your personal data in connection with complaints and enquiries.
You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), which is the body that regulates the handling of personal data in the United Kingdom. You can do this online through the ICO’s website at, by telephone on 0303 123 1113, or by writing to them at Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF.