New eBook

The Many Faces of Financial Vulnerability

How TransUnion data insights can help improve customer outcomes.

Recent socioeconomic upheaval has resulted in people from all levels of society being exposed to income shocks, strained household budgets and falling living standards. Now more than ever, understanding a consumer’s true circumstances when transacting with them is key to delivering good outcomes.

The Many Faces of Financial Vulnerability explores the customer and business benefits of embedding early warning indicators into vulnerability strategies, and identifies the insights that could play an important role in helping businesses support consumers at the right moment in time. 

Download this eBook to understand how your business can:

  • Remain competitive, reduce risk, and build trusted relationships with customers
  • Better understand the impact of economic shocks on portfolio resilience and how to manage portfolio risk and optimise performance
  • Apply TransUnion’s unique solutions and datasets to better understand consumers and support regulatory compliance

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